How To Survive A Zombie Epidemic In Real Life

how to survive a zombie apocalypse in real life

Are you still wondering how to survive a zombie outbreak in real life? Zombies aren't just walking around, they're ready to attack any human. It's as simple as that. So, how to survive a zombie outbreak in real life? Well, firstly let me say that this article is my opinion, and not medical advice. If you need actual medical advice, please consult your doctor.

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Okay, if you're not a doctor then you'll have to learn how to survive a zombie attack in real life. So, how do you learn how to survive these rampages? Simple, you learn to arm yourself with the correct survival gear. Now, you're probably thinking that you don't really need any survival equipment, and you're right.


There are no guns or ammunition or anything like that, so your first priority should be safety. But how? Simple, stay safe and stay alert at all times. zombies don't usually come out to play a nice game of football, so you'll have to be extra careful.

How to Survive a Zombie epidemic in Real Life


You should always stay aware of your surroundings. If there are a lot of zombies then you should make a lot of noise. Also, try to get as far from the others as possible. This means running, hiding, running again, and so on. When you're trying to figure out how to survive a zombie in real life, these tactics will help you out a lot.


When you're trying to figure out how to survive a zombie in real life, don't just assume that you can just run away. Zombies have very poor eyesight, and once they reach you they will start picking on you with their teeth. They are also extremely resourceful, and might be able to walk right over you. You need to protect yourself.


If you're trying to figure out how to survive a zombie in real life, another thing that you should do is stay alert. zombies are very smart and if you can hide from them while you are trying to get away from them then you will most likely get away from them alive. Zombies don't really care whether they live or die. All that matters to them is that they get their next body. So if you're able to escape their attack, you might just be able to save some other live ones! Don't give up if you get infected with a virus or disease because it will only make things worse.


Zombies also have an advanced immune system, which is why they are so tough. You have to remember that they were once people who were living in the woods. As humans, we are lucky that we have developed the ability to fight off these creatures. If you try to reason with a zombie, chances are that they won't listen to anything you say. This is how to survive a zombie attack when you're out in the open. Zombie's will break into a sprint and run towards their next victim any time for a snack.


If you want to figure out how to survive a Zombie epidemic in real life, you must know how Zombies move. They have hooves and use their two legs to walk though everything. You should try to get into a safe area to fight them off. Try to find some food so that you can eat some of the dead bodies that they have turned into. If you have a campfire, this could keep them from drying out and getting too hot to cook on.


After you've figured out how to survive a Zombie outbreak in real life, you'll need to learn how to protect yourself. Zombies can run very fast, so if you're not quick, you could get eaten. As the pack moves, look around and try to stay away from dead bodies. Zombies are really good at picking off the weak. If you are trying to get away from a group, you can hide behind something like a tree or rock.


If you're wondering how to survive a zombie in real life, try taking lots of vitamins and nutritional supplements. The vitamins will help your body fight off the Zombies. Stay healthy by eating nutritious foods and staying hydrated. You don't need to spend all day reading about how to get rid of a Zombie because you can do it in your spare time.


When you're done learning how to kill Zombies in your spare time, you'll have to find a safe place to stay. Zombie Survival Games can be played online or offline, and both are equally as fun. Most people can't handle being Dead for long periods of time, so play these games when you can. After you've learned how to kill them in games, you'll need to find out how to do it in reality.

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